Shiver is a dream kitty. <3 She has the most tolerant and affectionate personality of all my cats. I would definitely qualify her as a lap cat. She speaks lowly, frequently headbutts and loves being held. She allows me to handle her without any complaints. She is an angel to bathe. She is a very easy going, mellow kitty. Besides having an exceptional personality, she is a stunning golden. Shiver has an extreme face and blue-green eye color. Her coat is cottony (when not in heat, nursing or pregnant) and very long and full. Her tail looks magical when she is in full coat; it is extremely thick and dense. Shiver is one of the quietest cat we have ever owned. While she doesn't talk often she purrs loud and on contact. At one point, I thought I would keep her forever. But at last, I think she would do best in a home where she receives more attention and hugs. I love her so much! I'm searching for a family that will shower her with constant affection. She tolerates other cats very well but would take some training to tolerate dogs. Other pets in the household are a bonus. She must be kept on a species appropriate anti-inflammatory raw diet. Local pickup only.